Tuesday, 18 July 2017

Alice's Adventures Underground - The Vaults

This was my first visit to The Vaults for what was advertised as an ‘literally one of the best theatre experiences you’ll ever have.’ Shortly after entering down the rabbit hole, the group is split in half to begin separate, immersive journeys into what is meant to be an enchanting land. Encounters range from a visit to the royal kitchen, an acrobatic presentation from Tweedledee and Tweedledum a seat at the long, dinner table.  It was hard to breath in the lagoon where we were serenaded. The piece culminates in the courtroom where everyone is reunited for the finale. Immersive, yes. Theatre, not in my opinion. I couldn’t help but compare it to The London Dungeons, which I found a great deal preferable. The idea is that visitors can come again and again and each time have a completely different experience. Sadly for me, one visit was more than enough.

Alice's Adventures Underground can be seen @ The Vaults until 23rd September 

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